Friday, March 5, 2010

What would happen if the animals overthrew the farmer?

If the animals in Animal Farm overthrew the farmer, their lives would change for the worse. They might think that they are better off without the farmer, but really their lives would be worse. It would be less easy because they have to hunt, or they would have to look for their food ,since there is no one who is going to feed them daily. Another thing that would change as well is protection. The farmer would protect them if they were getting attacked by another wild animal ,but now since they are on their own they have to protect themselves. The final thing that I can think off that would be something negative against them is their shelter. They have to find their own place to live at because they probably didn't want to live in the barn in the first place.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who has power in your life?

Many people say that their parents hold the power to their lives, but i say that they are wrong. We are the ones who have the power to our own lives and the decisions we make. To start off with our parents or people aroung dont have the power to our lifes. All they can do reall is just influence us, but we have the power to see if we follow thru with that if what we see. We have the power to our lives beacause we can all chose to do good or bad things. If we do good things there will rewards, or we will just not get in trouble for what actions we do. On the other hand if we chose to do bad things there will be consequences. The consequences could be that you don't get to go out, take your phone away, no money.. etc. Also we are the ones that chose the way we want to live, act, dress. Your parents or friends can tell you to buy a certain type of clothing, how to act, and can even try to influence you in your lifestyle, but in the end you're the one with the last decision. These are just some reasons on why I think that we have the power to our lives.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why do students drop out?

You see a teenager walking on the sidewalk on your lunch brerak. You ask yourself "Shouldnt they be in school?" Well he's not he dropped out. Many students these days are dropping out of school. Many Students come inot play for teenagers dropping out of school, but the main reason is they get a job.
To start off with, one reason why teenagers drop out is they dont't like school. Reasons why they don't like it is they think its boring, a waste of time, and worthless. they think this because they don't like paying attention in school, think they can have better things to do, and think they can get a job without a very good education. Also they don't like to learn or do homework so they rather just drop out and not do anything.
The second and most important reason why they quit school is they start making money. Teenagers my age want to make money, so they can buy things they want like clothes, electronics, shoes...etc. Also they can only get a part time job after school but must have good grades in order for them to be able to work. if they are still underaged. They chose to drop out also because they like making money, so they rather be making $7.50 an hour than going to school and not making any at all.
In conclusion there are many reasons why teens drop out. The things that make teens want to dropout is they dint care about school anymore. They either don't like it because of the work they have to do. The most important one is they go into the real world and jobs, so they start making some money. These are some reasons why kids dropout of school.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are some of effects of legal and illegal drugs?

To start off with let tell you about a legal drug and its effect. Alcohol is a legal drug that you can buy at many places as long as your over 21 which is the legal drinking age. Alcohol is one of the most used legal drugs. Its a depressant which means it slows down brain activity. Short term efects are slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, and a hangover. Long term effects are you can have halluncinations, and premanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. These are the effects of alcohol no let me tell you about marijuana. Marijuana is another commonly used drug. Unlike alcohol marijuana is illegal but however people use it frequently. It is also a depressant. Short term effects are problems learning, distorted preception, increased heart rate and anxiety. Long term efects are addiction, dead brain cells and risk of cancer.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


In World Studies we were told to research different religions and find information on that religion. Now let me tell you about Judaism. To start off with their founder was a guy named Abraham during 1300 B.C in Mesopotamia. As you know all religions have followers. This particular religion has 5,602,000 people and most of them are found in the U.S. This religion influenced the religion of Christianity. All religions have a book that they follow. This book that they worship is called the the Torah. Religious holidays that they have are Rosh Hashanan (New Year). Yomkippur (Day of Atonement). Hanukkah also know as the festival of lights is eight days long it celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and also celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian-Greek rulers of Jerusalem. Tu B'Shevat (New Year for Trees). Pesach (Passover). The rituals and customs the that they have are they can't eat pork. They get confirmed,this means that they are ready to accept the Torah and is mostly celebrated by teens. Many religions have their own clothing. I bet you have noticed this when you see people from other religions wearing something different that you are not accustomed to see. Well Jewish people wear long robes and a shaytt (Wig). Also they belong to a Rabbi which is their leader. This is all the information I learned so I hoped you learned something from this like I did.